"Rising numbers of children are being treated for "eco-anxiety", experts have been quoted in the media, as they warn parents against “terrifying” their youngsters with talk of climate catastrophe. Amidst the furor about global warming one your girl has managed to become a media darling: Greta Thunberg. Greta has started and inspired millions of students to skip school as a proteest against government inaction on "climate change." Many words have been used to describe Greta but a few of them have struck me as more prominent.
The first is the word "hypocrite." On this I must agree. Thunberg and her ilk are attacking the very heart of modern civilization, using huge amounts of the very energy they so despise all along the way in order to destroy it. Her so-called "carbon-free" sailboat ride across the Atlantic, when the boat crew was flown back and forth by jet plane is only one of the most prominent examples. Much more profound is her ignorance of the incredible improvements in human life thanks to the energy from fossil fuels. The International Disaster Database shows that climate related deaths are 50 times lower than a hundred years ago. Not 50% but 50 times! Further, the decline is directly related to the rise of abundant, cheap and scalable fossil fuel energy that helps us build tougher structures move away from the naturally dangerous climate when needed, forecast dangerous climate events, transport safe water and food to affected areas and so much more. The human environment is vastly improved by fossil fuel energy. Greta's life on Earth is possible only because of such energy.
"Brave" is another word used to describe Thunberg. An uneducated child who has never held a job or produced a thing tells the world to revert to the pre-industrial age of starvation, deprivation, disease, racism and death - and many people applaud her for being brave. Actual bravery would be to stand for INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS in the face of soul-destroying collectivism; stand for REASON in a world embracing mysticism and irrationality as science and fact; stand for HUMAN FLOURISHING instead of calling for human sacrifices.
"Tragedy" is another good word. This uneducated gullible child has been persuaded to adopt an anti-human zealotry that will one day place her among the ridiculed in history books. She has no knowledge of the scientific process, no knowledge of the incredible improvement in billions of human lives thanks to the very energy she decries, no knowledge of the economies and personal life goals her ideas would destroy, no knowledge of the rights of the billions of individuals she would trample and seemingly no knowledge of the horrendous history of the type of political powers she embraces.
She embodies passion and emotion in the absence of reason, action without understanding, coercion without mercy, suffering and death without true cause, a mission of salvation absent rational justification. She represents what is wrong with modern education and politics. Greta must quickly be revealed as a fraud to avoid her insanity later in life when she realizes how very immoral and anti-life was the very foundation of everything she now stands for.
Greta is the puppet of a propaganda machine and should be criticized and corrected at every opportunity to avoid the suicidal future she urges us to adopt willingly.
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