I regularly communicate with Tom Harris, Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition, an organization that promotes objectivity and the scientific method in relation to climate science. He sent me an economics question prompted by a politician's comment.
Here is what Senator Mitchell from
Alberta said:
I went to the full
discussion on the Senate site. He is evidently an economic illiterate. He
relies on the "broken window fallacy" that was easily proven false long ago and
is discussed in Henry Hazlitt's 1946
book "Economics in One Lesson". That story is one of the baker whose front
window is broken by a vandal. The glassmaker then has a job to do and must be
paid for his work - according to Senator Mitchell this is a job creating strategy! But of course the baker must pay
for this work out of money he would have used elsewhere, and so instead of
having a window and wealth to spend, he has only a window. On balance, wealth
has been destroyed because a product that added no value must be created to
replace the one that had value.
Of course, anyone
with a brain does not have to think more than a second to realize that if
destruction created wealth then we should destroy the world right away to improve everything. So
blatant and nihilistic a philosophical and logical error is unforgivable for someone in a
supposedly learned position but is unfortunately prevalent in our elected officials as they are mostly economically illiterate. Absent the destruction of thousands of lives and
fantastic amounts of wealth, Canada would have had the wealth
available to produce far more than we actually did. One of the effects of the
war was to destroy some of our competitors, whose countries were all bombed to
bits, so naturally we had an advantage in production for some time afterwards.
Of course, it is sometimes necessary to wage a war in self-defence, but such a
need destroys existing wealth and prevents the accumulation of more
Destroying wealth
in a vain and futile attempt to stop climate change can only do harm and in no
way can stimulate anyone's economy
except the select few who enjoy government favors and who personally benefit
from the destruction of others. The ideology of Senator Mitchell is one held by
primitive societies prior to the industrial revolution, when wealth was largely
static and was often accumulated by waging war against other peoples and
stealing their physical assets. The enlightenment and consequent industrial revolution changed all that, however it is still held by many collectivists and
primitive thinkers who ignore the lessons of the enlightenment and whose ideas have not risen above the level of tribalism.
That such a man holds
a position of prominence and political power over our lives and is paid by the producers of wealth to
speak such ignorant vitriol is a testament to how low is our societal level of
scientific, economic and philosophical
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