Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Debate and last word before the election in the Orleans Star

The Orleans Star just released what is likely to be their last article before the election.  I note that the title "Different Ideas" appears to be driven by my comments and that the Green and Libertarian candidates were not even mentioned as voting options.  The reporter did quote me quite extensively in three full paragraphs, which I hope will lead some more voters to consider Freedom an option worth voting for.

Freedom Party candidate, David McGruer takes on a different approach. "The other partys' philosophy is that government should be doing all kinds of things inside of people's lives whereas ours is that people should be responsible for their own lives."

He said it's hard to name specific examples of improvements he'd like to make in Orléans because their platform encompasses all ridings. "If we look at the typical issues that other candidates will talk about it's things like healthcare, education, regulations, rules, controls, things like that. Ours is the opposite. It's about removing all these restrictions, obstacles and problems that are created by government intervention."

McGruer is not confident that he will win, or even come close, only capturing less than 1 per cent of the popular vote the last time he ran. "My objective in the campaign was to get whoever would listen to start thinking that it doesn't have to be this way. To move the discussion slightly is the only hope I have in this election. I have no illusions of being elected."

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